
Strongman Christian Ministry, Dinosaur Training, Dennis Rogers, A Unique Odd Object & Lawn Mowing Workout - Jeff Bankens interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 28) - 24 December 15


Tonight... our guest is the Louisiana Strongman, Jeff "T-Rex" Bankens. Jeff is lifetime steroid & PED free and he has an impressive list of strength feats that include: tearing phone books and decks of cards in half, bending horse shoes and steel bars, and breaking chains and baseball bats with his bare hands. But his most impressive stunts and feats involve neck strength. In this area of strength, Jeff hold 4 World records with Record Holders Republic. One of these feats included pulling two vehicles at the same time using just a neck harness and strap. Jeff will be filling us in with the details on his records later in the show. We will be focusing tonight on how Jeff built such tremendous neck strength. Jeff, Welcome to Natural Strength Night and Merry Christmas.

The Mighty Atom Documentary, Mind Over Matter, Harry Houdini, You Dig Your Grave With Your Knife and Fork - Steve Greenstein interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 27) - 6 December 15


Tonight … our guest is Steve Greenstein. Steve is the grandson of The Mighty Atom, Joe Greenstein. We are going to be talking tonight about the interesting life of The Mighty Atom, who was one of the most colorful and beloved figures in the history of physical culture. He is one of my favorites. I still have an old framed picture of him biting a chain. I had it on the wall of my gym in Washington, DC for over 20 years! I still have it here in Florida! All of his amazing feats were done naturally, way before the steroid era. We are going to be talking tonight about some of his amazing stunts and feats of Strength. Steve is currently Producing a Documentary about his grandfather. I can’t wait to see it. Steve, Welcome to Natural Strength Night.

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Belts and Straps, Birthday Stone Workout, 3 or 2 Days Per Week, High Rep Deadlifts, Good Mornings, Full Range of Motion - Jim Duggan Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 26) - 23 November 15


Tonight our guest is my good friend, "The Fire Fighter Strongman" Jim Duggan. Me and Jim have a bonding in this area too. We are fire fighter brothers. I was a fire fighter and EMT for 8 years in the Air Force way back in the 70's and early 80's. Big Jim is one of the strongest natural guys in the field and he is also one of the nicest.
Jim is 51 years old and a massively built 6 feet tall. He is a Lifetime Drug-Free RAW Power Lifter and Strongman Competitor in the 275 and 242 pound weight classes. Jim had a Bench Press that was over 500 pounds with NO SHIRT and a deadlift of 688 pounds. Jim is a Captain in the NYC Fire Dept. and is assigned to Engine Company 231 in Brownsville, Brooklyn. He has written dozens of great Strength Training articles for The Dinosaur Files and where he has a column in the Special Features section. Big Jim, Welcome to Natural Strength Night.

American Combato, Bradley J. Steiner, Self Defense, Close Combat, Martial Arts - Bradley J. Steiner Interview with Bob Whelan - THE RUGGED INDIVIDUAL podcast - (episode 1) - 16 June 15

It’s an honor for me to welcome back to Mind Force Radio, as the first guest on our new podcast The Rugged Individual, Professor Bradley J. Steiner. Brad was a guest last year on Natural Strength Night, but tonight he will be talking mainly about some of the important principles of self defense. Brad is a world-renowned expert in two separate fields: strength training and the martial arts. (Especially self-defense and close combat.) He has written over 30 published books in these areas of study. Brad is a tenth degree black belt and Founder and Grandmaster of American Combato.
Professor Steiner is President and CEO of the International Combat Martial Arts Federation, an elite and prestigious organization of internationally recognized close combat, self-defense, and martial arts authorities. Brad has a great home study DVD course and a great monthly newsletter, SWORD AND PEN. For more information, please visit Brad’s two websites … and

Training Middle and High School Athletes, Intensity and Good Form, Recovery for Natural Lifters, Steroid Dangers - Dick Conner Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 25) - 02 June 15


Tonight… our guest is my good friend Dick Conner. I've known Dick for over 20 years. He was a speaker at several of my Capital City Strength Clinics. Dick is the longtime coach of THE PIT GYM powerlifting Team. The PIT Powerlifting Team has won 19 state powerlifting championships and 9 national championships. The team has traveled all over the country to meet any challenger. Dick is like the John Wooden of powerlifting coaches. He has written many articles for Hardgainer Magazine and Dick has over 60 years experience in the iron game so listen to his wisdom. He is very entertaining and has a great sense of humor. If you live anywhere near Evansville Indiana, you need to get a workout with coach Connor. Visit the website at:

Norb Schemansky's 91st birthday, York Barbell, Dick "Smitty" Smith, John Terlazzo, Doc Ziegler, Bill St. John, Getting Arnold's Job, Jan Dellinger, Mike Gittleson - Roger La Pointe Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 24) - 06 May 15


Tonight our guest is Roger La Pointe. I’ve known Roger for almost 20 years… he was just out of college and working for York Barbell when I first met him. He has a lot of interesting stories about his time at York … we’ll be talking about them tonight. There is a lot of information here. If you love iron game History, then you are in for a real treat!
Roger practices what he preaches and is pound for pound one of the strongest guys around in NATURAL strongman competitions and Olympic lifting. He has overhead pressed … atlas stones … heavier than his bodyweight. Roger is the CEO and owner of Atomic Athletic a great company that was a sponsor of several of my Capital City Strength Clinics. Atomic Athletic makes some of the toughest, hardcore strength training equipment you will find.  I’ve bought many items from Atomic Athletic, including 4 Granite stones, … Farmers Walk utensils, … thick bars, … chalk and many other items.
If you want to buy Strongman Stones, be sure to get them from Roger. Atomic Athletic Stones are chiseled out of GRANITE and are not the cheap stones on the market that are made of CONCRETE, that crack and break when you drop them. Everything from Atomic Athletic is top quality. Be sure to visit Roger's website at:  Roger, its great to have you on the show and welcome to NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT.

Osmo Kiiha, The Iron Master, Growing up in Finland, 418 Clean and Jerk, Bob Hise, Homer Brannum, Vince Gironda - Osmo Kiiha Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 23) - 05 Mar 15


Tonight, I'm honored to have as our guest Osmo Kiiha. Osmo is one of the most respected and knowledgeable guys in every aspect of the Iron Game. From training knowledge, to competing, to the history, Osmo is second to none. He is also my best friend in the Iron Game. I’ve been talking to Osmo regularly for around 25 years and I consider him a brother. He is my “go to guy" whenever I have a question about Iron Game History.

In addition to being a true gentleman and a first class guy, Osmo ranks as pound for pound one of the strongest Iron Game Guys too. At the age of 21 years old, Osmo cleaned and jerked 418 pounds. He competed in the 1968 Senior nationals in the 198 pound class. At the age of only 21 years old, he retired from competitions. Who knows what he could have done if he kept competing for another 10 years or so. He probably would have been a world champion.

Osmo is the founder and editor of THE IRON MASTER magazine which ran from 1989 to 2000. It was one of the highest quality and most informative Iron Game History magazines of all time. I’m proud to have written many articles for THE IRON MASTER. Osmo is also one of the worlds foremost experts on the history of Physical Culture and the Iron Game. He has one of the largest Iron Game memorabilia collections in the world and his house is literally a museum. He will tell us a lot about his vast collection tonight. Osmo, its an honor to speak with you again and welcome to Natural Strength Night.